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The aardwolf is very real and incredibly cute!
The aardwolf is actually not a wolf at all.
They are more closely related to hyenas family.
These adorable little guys eat mainly small insects like termites.
When they are full grown they are about the size of a fox.
Scientists used to think of them as solitary creatures, but they are very family oriented.
They are very family oriented, two parents and their young.
They are shy and nocturnal, sleeping in burrows during the day.
Aardwolves communicate with each other by creating noises called chirps.
You wouldn’t know it looking at them, but they’ve got a fierce howl and a scary bark to intimidate predators.
They are fierce fighters when need to be.
Unfortunately they are not very fast runners.
But they are so adorably cute!
And just look at those ears!
In some areas in Eastern Africa, Aardwolves are persecuted by farmers who mistakenly believe that they prey on livestock.
These gentle creatures are actually benefit farmers because they eat termites that are detrimental to crops.
Aardwolves may be slow moving, but who cares about speed when they are so cute! They may be the most adorable creatures most people don’t know even exist.